I have been sitting on this little story for a few weeks and finally had a few minutes to share it!
The number one question I seem to get right now is "How are the girls together? or How is Sarah handling life with a new little sister?"
Really, it has gone much more smoothly than I ever imagined. I thought there would be more tantrums and "green eyes" coming from Sarah, but she has really been good.
Of course we have a little acting out when visitors come over because she can see how much of the focus is on Reagan and she was always the center of attention, but that is all normal and we don't see it nearly as much now as we did that first week or two Reagan and I returned from China.
The girls are inseparable. They play well together and Sarah does not want to do anything unless Reagan gets to do it too. Every night when I feed Reagan her bedtime bottle, Sarah will come over and ask if she is going to bed. When I say "yes" Sarah will beg me to keep her awake so she can play with her a little longer. It is really SO SWEET!
They are getting along great, but there is one small area that we need to continue to work on with Sarah. . . .

You may not be able to tell in the very first picture, but you can definitely see it in this photo. She is toting around an almost bigger than her, backpack!
This is her beloved Princess Backpack and it is usually in one of the toy baskets in our family room. If we have to go somewhere, she will fill it with coloring books and markers or puzzles and bring it with her in the car.
One night I went to go to bed and I walked through our bar room and saw her princess backpack shoved into the corner. I didn't think much of it, so I picked it up and put it back in the toy box and then went to bed.
The next night I saw it there again, so I picked it up and took it back where it belonged.
The very next day, I was on the floor playing with both of the girls and I noticed that Sarah was watching Reagan and if Reagan showed interest in a particular toy, Sarah would take it from her and hand over some other random toy {a toy that Sarah probably did not like} and then she exited the room and came back empty handed.
I had a feeling that something was up and my intuition was correct. I walked straight to the corner where I had found the back pack the night prior and sure enough, it was there again. This time I opened it.
Stuffed to the gills with all of the toys that Reagan liked to play with......LOL!!!!
It was funny to think of Sarah plotting this out, but I knew I had to explain to her why this was wrong and that she really needed to share and understand the toys were for both of them to play with.

We are on to you Sneaky Little Sarah......
Reagan might be young, but she is getting wise and one of these days when you least expect it, you will go to pull something out of her hand, she is going to grab it right back.
For now, you are just going to get the evil eye!
Since confronted, she has not stashed the back pack in any odd corners, but we have noticed her carrying it around the house with a few of HER favorite things, not Reagan's. I guess a little progress is better than none:) She'll get there, it is just going to take some time!
Sarah is hilarious! What a smart little girl. She has had such a huge adjustment. I am so glad she loves her little sister.
Sneaky... and as cute as all get out!!!!
Oh my gosh this is too funny! I think she's doing awesome with her new baby sister. Love the expressions in all of these!
That's too funny! Sounds like something I used to do when my baby sister came home. :) Soon they will laugh at these things while shopping together and life will be all about the two of them!
Oh Lisa - been there too many times to count. (Sorry to say it still goes on.)
Still - you describe them in a way that just makes me grin. I love how much Sarah loves her baby sister. It is not an easy role to take on and she is doing superbly.
Love the last picture. Those stink eyes are the best. Little Reagan is an expert. Keep these sweet stories coming. I love them!!!
I love that expression in the last photo! She's definitely onto her sister!
hahhaha...these too are cute....I like the last pic....the evil eye!
these are adorable!!! you do great work!!!
Aww! Cute photos.
Oh, this story made me giggle! Definetly a story to embarrass Sarah with when she gets older. Isnt it funny how they work things out in their little minds?
Oh the last picture... Her expression is awesome!! Such sweet sisters.
I just LOVE the expression in the last photo, she is just like a adult and thinking how to get the other one. Just so funny and SO SO cute:)
Greetings from Finland
It's so wonderful to hear how well Sarah is doing with the addition of Reagan in her life. She is such a smart little girl trying to pull one over on you and her little sister. Such amazing photos of your girls. I'm so enjoying these each time you post them.
Hope you're having a wonderful week!
Oh my, that is funny!!
Too funny!
Something that I found helped was to let each child have a box/shelf/basket or whatever where they kept the toys that were special to them and those they did not have to share but everything else (that was baby safe) was communal property! I don't care what toys they choose to keep as their special ones, there are usually a couple of baby toys in the stash which I think is because older children do have an affection/memory for baby toys and their interest/desire for them is often rekindled by seeing a younger sibling play with them, the old - nothing so desirable as what someone else has! ;)
Doesn't your heart just melt watching your children fall in love with each other.
HE HE HE! I just have to laugh - this happens around our home daily with a few of our children. Sigh. They still stuggle with sharing a favorite toy with younger sibs. They know what happens when they don't - so we don't get why it is still a struggle. Ahhhh the lust of the eyes - it is mine not yours and that sneaky old flesh.
Your daughters are precious together and I adore every photo you share!
Much love and blessings,
Oh my goodness! What a sneaky little girl! That story is so funny! I love the evil eye picture!
When my oldest became a big brother after a few months(( The oldest, Matthew was 2.5 my other son was 3 months)) Matthew sat on the stairs very perplexed. I asked him what was wrong and he said "How long is Steve going to stay?" My answer: "I hope for ever." Matthew says, "So we have to keep him? I remember saying "I really like him and Yes, I want to keep him." Matthew asked "Does he have to play with my toys?" I said, "No, I will get him his own toys and then we will see if he wants you to play with his toys. If your not going to share, why should he?" My son thought about this for a long time as we sat in silence on the stairs...Then he said "Well, I guess he will be fun to play with." :) What a beautiful memory you have triggered for me. Thank you!
My sons have been best friends ever since... Matthew is 18 and Stephen is 16. The best of brothers!
Sarah is such a sweet girl, these things take time. Love the last picture of Reagan.
Oh!! How funny Sarah is!!! Too cute &I love the look on Reagan's face.. as if to say.. "I'm on to ya big sister!" HAAHA!
So glad things are going great between the 2 little Princess'!!!
What a big adjustment in her life! Sounds like she's doing it perfectly!
I hate to laugh at that, but sometimes the things kids do can be funny, even when it's a bit naughty. Glad she's coming around!
Oh that is the cutest story (and SO normal). LOVE that last shot of Reagan. It does say...I am on to you, Sarah!
What a lovely story to share. It is funny and normal. We all tend to keep the things that we cherish close to us and sometimes we get a little selfish and wouldn't want to share them too.
So funny and so sweet! Sarah is one smart little cookie and that "stink-eye" is such a cutie!
This story made me laugh, because I can so relate. Sisters are a great blessing, even in the difficult moments.
Thank you for hosting again this week.
I love it! Sarah is so stinkin cute...I really think that middle children have the best personalities! They somehow get really creative and are so intelligent.
Loving all the amazing pics!
That's one smart lil' cookie you got there! This story is so adorable & made me laugh out loud...such a mischievious plot from quite the innocent looking princess! lol!! And that last photo of Reagan cracked me up - from the looks of her expression, it looks like she's "hip" to her big sis!
Love that last pic of Reagan! lol
I think it's a good idea for her to put her most favorite things away. What a smart girl:)
Hahahaha!! I still think that's hysterical. Smart little Sarah, LOL. She figured if they those toys were out of Reagan's sight then they'd be out of her mind too. :)
Love that last look on Reagan, I'm guessing Sarah's going to get that a lot in the coming years.
Hope y'all have a great PJ day!! XOXOXO
New follower here. Love your pictures! Your daughters are beautiful.
Looking forward to reading more! :)
what a super cute story! Isn't it funny how early they learn that stuff?! I think Tyler is also going to have some problems sharing & he is only 2. I hear him say "MiiiiNe" a lot :) I love Reagan's look on the last picture.
xoxo Robin
these are beautifully cute.
What a sneaky girl, cute story! Glad to hear the girls get along for the most part ;)
Your children are beautiful! This is my first B&W Wed.
These too are cute. I love your photos! Thanks for sharing.
I couldnt help but to giggle at this story... Its so cute and so typical :) The girls are beautiful and I am glad to hear that adjusting is going well for Sarah other than hiding her favorite toys from her sister :)
This is too cute. Both your girls are beautiful. I am so glad both are adopting so well.
But its those moments that keep you laughing and you will find yourself nostalgically thinking back on down the road...especially when they begin to pool their efforts(and resources!!)to gang up on Mama and Dad for some common cause! LOL :)
....but this story sure made me smile and the girls are darling!!!
She is a sweet and very good girl. She takes everything really well. Her little sister is lucky to have her a big sis and her role model.
Hilarious!!! Sharing was the hardest part with my daughter too.
Sarah sure is smart to think up a plan like that!!! :-)
Just wonderful... Lovely post. I have dealt with the new sibling issue. She seems to be doing great.
I love your photos! Always beautiful!
Cute story. And your pics are stunning. I'm serious, we need to get a gang of us together - maybe once the holiday crush is over? I'd love to host... Or we can go out and meet somewhere. I have locals that will go anywhere for some friendship and support... :)
Lisa, this story and photos are just the cutest ever!
Yes, it's only natural that she would outwit Reagan (for now, as you rightly point out!)!
Lol at the one of her wearing the backpack! And yes, a little progress is better than - she will get there in the end.
Great that they play well together.
wonderfully cute story. Love the little one's face in the last picture :)
I had to laugh at this storry. My brother and I are 5 years apart. And my mother always tells a story of when i started crwling. toys would dissapear and she didnt know what happened to them. she would see me playing with a toy and the next day it would be gone. Since I was under one she knew it couldnt have been me. One day she was rearranging my brothers room and she found all the toys under the bed. When she asked my brother about them his answer was that i wouldnt share them with him.
your children are georgous. what a blessed family you are
Thanks for sharing the real moments and for the beautiful photos. I always look forward to your posts! :)
Sarah and Reagan will be lifelong friends...sisters are great gifts!
I love this!! Hysterical!
That is such a cute story! She may be sneaky, but she is SMART too!
Sarah just cracks me up...what a cute story. At least she is listening now and changing her ways a little. So happy you guys are adjusting so well!!
Oh my goodness. I followed your blog before you got little Sarah! So happy she's finally home. Amazing pictures also. c:
Hahaha!!! These pictures are priceless and so darn cute!! You captured the mischief so perfectly! But having grown up with 2 sisters, it never changes! I still have to hide some of my favorite goodies from my sisters, otherwise they'll claim it as their own!!
LOL! That Sarah is a clever one, isn't she? Priceless!
These pictures capture the story perfectly!
I love how they are learning to be sisters. It's such a beautiful thing really, even with the backpack. Hope your Thanksgiving was great. Have a great evening Lisa, tara
That is the cutest story ever. So glad that the girls are enjoying each other's company!
The sharing will come, you are doing a gat job!! The photos are amazing!!! Love Jules xxxx
But what an adorable sneak she is! This sounds just like something my niece M&M would do! Love it (then again, I don't have to parent it - hee hee).
Oh my gosh! That last picture is hilarious! I love the evil eye! Thanks for sharing such beautiful pictures of your beautiful girls!
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