I stumped you all!!
As I said earlier this week, I am approaching my one year Blogiversary. In this year I have met some amazing women that I never would have met in everyday life and I love "visiting" you all.....you have all touched my heart in one way or another and for that I am so thankful. In addition, I have also won a couple of great giveaways from some very generous friends and thought that this was the perfect time to pay it forward and do my first ever bloggy giveaway.
I asked you all to take a guess as to what I was going to give away and almost everyone guessed something to do with food or photography. While those were great guesses and two of my favorite things, you were ALL wrong:(
I also love JEWELRY, and to me there is nothing like a great piece of sterling silver or two, or three, or four....you get the point:)
Have any of you heard of Si!pada Designs???? I am sure that you have, there are women dripping in this silver everywhere you go, but if you have not you must check it out.
Last night I had the pleasure of attending a fundraiser for Autism. It was hosted my one of my best friends who just happens to be a National Director for Si!pada. She had a jeweler at her house who was letting you turn in your old 14 karat gold jewelry in order to have money to purchase Silpada's Sterling Silver. All the proceeds were then going directly to our local chapter of "Autism Speaks"
Many of you have emailed or commented throughout the past year on some of my chunky silver pieces, and I decided that this is what I wanted to giveaway......... so I spent my gold dollars on two of my favorites......One of them is about to be retired out of the line so I ordered it just in nick of time.
I hope you like them as much as I do......

One of you will be the lucky winner of the hammered sterling silver ring and bangle bracelet. I am sure you recognize them, because I have one of these pieces on in almost every picture of me that has ever been posted on the blog. Don't worry about ring size, I have it all worked out with my friend. I ordered a pretty standard size but if we need to get a different size, she assured me it could be exchanged.
To enter just leave me a comment. I know that there are some family members and friends that read but don't comment, you can take part too, but you have to leave a comment with your email address if you don't blog:)
The contest will close next Sunday April 5th at midnight EST and the winner will be announced on April 8th....GOOD LUCK, I can't wait to see someone sporting that shiny silver!!!
And just in case you are wondering, I photographed my pieces because the new ones are on order. Looking at the picture, I can see many dings in the bracelet......just wanted to let you know, yours will be brand spankin new:)
I have noticed you wearing these pieces in several of your pictures. They are absolutely beautiful. Please include me in the giveaway. I would love to add these to my silver collection.
Holy cow! What a fabulous giveaway! I love, love, love Silpada jewelry. Count me in!
I LOVE these!!! And I would love to win, so please throw my name into the hat! :)
What a fun giveaway, Lisa!
These are stunning pieces Lisa. Please include me...I love sterling silver. You are extremely generous!
I own a few pieces of Silpada and I love them. What a great give away :-)
beautiful jewelry! You take a beautiful photos!
Lisa ~
What a fabulous giveaway! I love silver and chunky (jewelry that is :)!) Please add my name in the hat.
Have a wonderful weekend,
OMW... They are BEAUTIFUL..
PLEASE count me in..
the braclet is sooooo gorgeous...
you are an AMAZING lady..
Thank you for giving the opportunity to win won of these beautiful pieces of silver....
Have a great weekend..
Love ya..
OOoohhh, baby! You KNOW I love silpada!! I have the catalog I got from your friend in my nightstand. Sigh. A girl can dream:) I love the few pieces I have been fortunate enough to get! What a cool giveaway!
Ok, "Linda" was me!! My Mom is here & she keeps signing in onto blogger and then I forget!! Whoops!
Wow -- what a great giveaway!! You are too generous. But, please put my name in the hat!
Have a great weekend!
I've never heard of Silpada but just checked out their website and I love it!! I would love to be entered to win :o)
Oh I absolutely LOVE that ring and bracelet!!! If I don't win...I definately want to order it! Count me in Lisa!!!! : )
Have a great weekend, we have friends coming into town from FL and it is going to rain...guess we will just have to drink lots of wine!
What a great giveaway. Count me in :)
SO classy. I love!
I love Silpada! Please enter me!
You are so sweet to have an awesome giveaway!
Hello! I've seen your blog off of my moms friend Deb at Digging A Hole to China. I find your story really interesting! Do you mind if I add you to my favorite blog list?
Meggie (:
Wow..what a generous giveaway!! Those are lovely.
Selfishly I hope I win...the 8th is my b-day and those would be amazing b-day gifts!
Keep smilin!
What a generous heart you have!!! I would love to participate in this :)
Terrye in FL
the pieces are just so unique and gorgeous thanks for the giveaway
Count me in..I am reading ur blog often even if I'm not commenting!
fab ring n bracelet!
Vivie ( Greek-CI )
A Kuna Ma Tada....SILPADA...!!
What a gorgeous giveaway for such a wonderful cause! You can count me in!
How fun...count me in!
Sue : )
Wow! How beautiful! And how generous you are. Thank you.
I am so glad that you are doing this giveaway! Sooo fun! I think it is outstanding that the money went to support Autism AND someone gets to walk away with some rockn' jewelry!
Hugs :)
Me, me, me!!! :D They are SO pretty! This is so fun!
WOW what a generous giveaway! I LOVE Silpada, but only have 1 piece, a ring I wear daily. Please include me in your giveaway. Happy 1 Year Anniversary!
Those are beautiful pieces, Lisa!
What a nice giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing.
Have a great weekend!
I have been reading your blog, and enjoy following you family. I love these pieces and would love to add them to my collection!
Oh...I love it! Count me in ;)
I must live in a cave. I never heard of Slipada!
Seeing that my son has Aspergers (which is in the Autism Spectrum), I think it's great that you are supporting Autism Speaks!
I love Silpada!! I actually tried that bracelet on last time I was at a house show.
Lisa you are SO generous and such a wonderful human being! Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your give away.
I echo another reader when I say I too have never heard of this company.
Thanx for bringing it to the loght and thanx for hosting such a great blog.
Love the jewlery...and silver is my favorite too. Please throw my name in for the give away!!
Thank you
I have seen many hammered silver pieces but never have I seen any as beautiful as this collection, I am in awe. Thank you for this contest as it gives some of us to own something nice who otherwise couldn't have afforded it. Enjoy your weekend.
Lisa, these two pieces are stunning! I just went to a Silpada show 2 weeks ago. Their jewelry is very beautiful! I can see why the ring and bangle are two of your favorites. How could you go wrong with those? Fabulous giveaway!
Oh fun fun fun!!! I LOVE jewelry so this is my kind of giveaway! :)
Have a good weekend, my friend! Talk to you soon!
I love silver jewelry and am excited about your giveaway! I would love the chance to win!
I've been thinking about having a giveaway and you are setting a generous standard :0) Please count me in!
Absolutely stunning. Love them. thanks for a great giveaway!
Yup you caught me totally off guard but now that you say it I have seen you wearing some pretty cool peices.
Sign me in! They are beautiful and what a great cause to support.
Have a great weekend!
My 10 yr. old nephew has autism, so I was particularly touched by your generosity in this giveaway...what a great cause!!
Beautiful pieces!!
Please count me in, beautiful pieces to share, how fun! Thanks!
I never win anything but I love these pieces and hope it's me! Thanks for letting me share in the fun!
How fun! I shoulda known...I love your clanky silver! And I'm thinkin' those pieces would be fab on me! lol! Seriously, you're the sweetest! Enjoy your weekend!
Those are beautiful pieces! What a great giveaway!
What a great give away! OK I am leaving my comment!! I hope I win pick number 47 HAHA
have a great day
Love them! Count me in!
As soon as I saw that I knew it it was! I *heart* Silpada! Count me in!....but I can't believe your willing to part with such beautiful pieces....R U sure?
Oh, & how did you photograph the silver without the glare? I struggle with that every time, tho I'm not 1/2 the photographer that you are.
No, I never would have guessed jewelry, but they are beautiful!
Wow!! What a great giveaway! I love big, chunky pieces, so please count me in!!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Lisa!
Congrats on your one year of blogging.
Both items are fantastic!!
whitten100@yahoo dot com
Ooooo pick me pick me pick me!! LOL!
I'm a silver girl. That's all I ever wear. I've looked at this jewelry line before but never purchased from them. I may have to remedy that soon. Awesome giveaway... I bet you have a TON of comments for this stuff. :)
I have noticed the ring before, and I love it! This is such a FUN giveaway....Have a great weeekend, can't wait to see if I am a winner!
I'm from Georgia. Ran across your blog tonight. Yes, the Silpada giveaway caught my eye but your spirit caught my heart. What a beautiful family!
Beverly Peltier
Augusta, Ga
count me in! I am so excited. I love this kind of fun. And, they are beautiful, just beautiful.
thank you.
I have heard of the company and would LOVE to win the pieces!
They are lovely...please count me in.
Wasn't it beautiful today?! I think rain is heading our way, but I was happy for the warm, sunny day we had today. : )
Have a great week-end!!!
Me, me, me pick me!!!!!!!!!!
do I get extra entries for following you? Or being awesome? ;) Just kidding. Sorta....
Lisa, you are so sweet! I am in love with anything silver. Count me in! Have a great weekend :)
I have heard of them but I haven't seen a bracelet like that before! It's gorgeous! (I'd have to give the ring to my mother in law, shes braver than me!)
Wowee Lisa! What a neat giveaway you're doing hun!
I have heard of Silpada but have never had any. It is very pretty. I am partial to silver, too!
My fingers and toes are crossed!!!
Hugs and high fives to the kiddos~ happy weekend to you guys! xo Les
They're beautiful, please enter me!!
Congrats on almost one year of blogging, it's been amazing following your site.
I love the jewellery and the cause you supported. :) Would love to have my name added for the give away.
Thanks so much..
I have so enjoyed your blog. I've thought about starting one but since I don't have small children it would be boring. I may someday if I'm closer to my grandsons. Your photography is amazing. Thanks and hope I win.
They are so pretty. I especially like the bracelet. I can see why you have made them your signature pieces.
Love to have this.
I would love to have these beautiful pieces.Thanks!
Just wanted to congrats you on a year of blogging!!!
(don't put me in the giveaway- I don't wear jewery, just wanted to
say congrats!)
What a beautiful set. Can't wait to see who wins. I am friends with Jenn and she told me about this.
Wowwwwwww! Love them (and love your pic of them), please enter me in the giveaway. Ooooo I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope...
I would love to be part of the giveaway. I am thrilled to be in the contest. Thanks we love the blog.
Shauna and MacLean
Oh how FUN!!! Nice pieces.
I'd like to enter your giveaway, too. Don't worry ladies-I never win...:-), but if I should win this time, I'd be wearing these pieces in your honor.
P.S.: Off to Disney-celebrating our 24th wedding anniversary today.
What a great giveaway...Count me in. see you tomorow.
oooo soo pretty!
Crossing my fingers I win!!! :)
I'm a recent follower having stumbled onto your site by accident.
Love your giveaway idea (paying it forward). And I LOVE silver.Please include me in your contest.
Wow Lisa,
What a nice giveway! Please enter me!
The jewerly is beautiful!
I've never heard of Silpada jewelry but can't wait to check it out! What an awesome giveaway! It's absolutely beautiful. Thanks for the chance. :)
How cool....I LOVE SILVER!! I have older pieces of "gold" jewelery that I never wear.....only silve or white gold! I would LOVE to win that ring and bracelet!! Thanks for the chance. Lisa S*
Yes, I have heard of Silpada but don't have any pieces. Would love to win! You are so kind!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
OHHHHH!! So pretty!!! I love those. What a great give away!
How sweet of you Lisa to do this!!
I was hoping it was dinner at your house!!!
What a lovely giveaway. I love your blog, your children are beautiful as are you and as always, your photography is awesome.
Please enter my name.
Lisa, this is a very generous giveaway my friend! Wow! I love Silpada and just bought some fun pieces for summer.
You know I love your blog. I hope you blog forever and ever!
You were right! I love the ring and the bracelet! I've been to several Silpada parties and they have such beautiful things! The pieces you chose are so classy and timeless! I just love them! Whoever wins is going to a very happy person! : )
GREAT giveaway!! I love your new blog design. I'm on her list for a blog make over... can't wait!
Okay, this is weird...I KNOW I commented here to count me in yesterday!! lol I just thought I would hop over today to double check and I can not find my comment. So if you find it twice I promise I am not being desperate!:)I'm glad I checked back!
What beautiful pieces! I "heart" them! And I love even more that proceeds go to help such a wonderful cause.
You're fabulous!!!
No way! I LOVE that jewelry. Someone will be very, very lucky!
They are absolutely beautiful. Please include me in the giveaway.
Beautiful!!!!!! I'm in!!! I'm in!!!! So much better then chocolate!!! Great give away!!!
Beautiful pieces:)
jdmimi at gmail dot com
Jennifer told me about your blog and she's right....it's awesome! And I'm lovin' the jewelry. I would love to be thrown into the hat....could you turn the corner down on my name and try to pick that one? Just Kidding.
What a beautiful giveaway! Silpada is so lovely...I love all of the pieces and wear them frequently! Being involved with Autism Speaks is wonderful!!! Happy 100 post anniversary!!
Really nice.
Thanks for the giveaway!
What a fantastic idea for a fundraiser!!! My son has PDD-NOS / Asperger's Syndrome and so Autism is a subject very close to our hearts. I love that idea.... I hope she raises a ton of money for this worthy cause!
And it is wonderful that you are using the fundraiser as your give-away... GREAT idea!!
And since you are giving away free silver!! I'm there... HAHA!!
how beautiful! count me in!
Both of these pieces of jewelry are beautiful but the bracelet is my favorite
Wow! Sign me up, thy are beautiful!
I am a silver girl (woman, lady, female--ha) also and wear several pieces daily myself. I jingle when I work :). Both of these are lovely pieces. Good luck to all, silver makes u happy !!!
How beautiful! I would love to win these and if I dont, well then, I just might have to order them myself! Thanks for the give away!
oh my goodness
how FUN are you!!
i loved the shot of you all dolled up on your vacation & you know i loved all that jewerly.
a girl can never have too much
crossing my fingers ( the ones that wear silver jewelry)
These pieces are lovely! How sweet that you are sharing with your bloggie friends. You go girl, nice fundraiser for a great cause!
Nice pics too, you should be a hand model too LOL
Your photography is amazing.
I love silver. Wow, these are beautiful.
Thank you for the wonderful Giveaway Lisa!
Wow, you're busy, girl! Thanks for your comments on my blog. I have lots of reading and catching up to do. Include me too! I have bought lots of Silpada and I love it. Well, have a great week!
You are so generous Lisa...not just with this giveaway but with your comments, your time and your compliments. It has been so nice to meet you in the bloggy world. Happy Anniversary.
Hi Lisa
I have been a long time follower of your blog - not sure where I first found you but I have enjoyed your blog. I have not commented before so I feel silly now but I wanted to say hi - tell you I love your blog. I love silpada also - it's a great line. If okay for first time commenters, count me in :)
What a fun contest and such a nice thing to do. Happy upcoming blogiversary and the jewelry is beautiful. :)
I thought it was going to be some new rad cookbook...but my goodness this is the best giveaway ever. I do not have much silver...not much of anything really so I could really use this to spruce up!
Dear Lisa,
I cannot figure out how to do this so if you get this comment too many times...sorry...but I follow your blog thanks to my friend Leslie...at Our Complete Family. I would like you to put her name in the hat. I would love for her to have this surprise! So please add Leslie E.....
Thanks for the chance to win these pieces of jewelry!!! I love your blog!
Jennifer in TN
What an awesome giveaway! You are so sweet, not just with the giveaway but with your blog and your comments! I love to hear from you! Count me in! ddugic@neo.rr.com
Happy Blogiversary!
oh I noticed those before, they are so beautiful
of course a fabulous giveaway
Hi Lisa,
I too have never heard of this jewlery line. I will have to go check it out. I love me some silver jewelry, so please count me in too. What a sweetheart you are, and also a girl after my own heart.
Have a blessed day~
Please let me be the lucky winner. I love your blog keep up with the photography, I love looking at it.
WOW, what a give away, LOVE Silpada. I hope I am not to late to count me in?
You are to sweet & so generous, thanks!!!!
I don't have any of that fab jewelry but would love to. I lerk more than comment, but I do frequent your blog a lot. Your children and you photos are beautiful.
I love these! Please submit my name in the giveaway. What fun!!
What a great giveaway! I love these..pick me : )
Sterling silver! My kind of jewerly!
happy Blogniversay!
That's so funny how many comments came in for this one! I too love love jewellery, what an awesome giveaway! Count me in, my girls are slowly robbing my jewels from the box!!
Count me in! I just love the jewelry you wear. Hoping I win, if not I now know where to go shopping for some!
Wow...121 comments! These people must seriously want this jewelry! LOL
I LOVE the pouty face of your sweet girl and I am thankful she felt peaceful while you were away.
Wow... what beautiful pieces. Count me in! :)
This is an awesome giveaway! I love your photos and your little girls clothes...so adorable!!
I have a boy and I'm always jealous of the clothes.
What an amazing giveaway!! I'm a silent reader! Your family is beautiful and I LOVE this set! Please enter me in the drawing :) I promise not to be so silent!
I would love to win this. The jewelry is stunning. So is the picture of you wearing it. Thank you for the giveaway. ( Tiffanys819 at gmail dot com)
Just so you know, I came back to stare at that beautiful ring! If I don't win, I'm gonna half to get me an order placed. Maybe I'll have to wait till after China, but that ring keeps showing up in my dreams.
Pick me! Pick me! I love your blog. I'm a long time lurker.
Betsey in SC
You are too sweet! I would love to be included in your giveaway!
Must admit that I have stopped by your blog (through Michelle's Born In Our Hearts) before, but not sure if I have commented! I love the inspiration that you send out and I heart silver jewelry so I thought this would be a great time to comment :)
Blessings, Ashley
You are truly something else! I'm in and I hope I win! :)
Both are beautiful:)
Can you add me to your give away:)
Beautiful! Please count me in, Lisa.
Glad I am not too late to enter the giveaway! You have some seriously great taste my friend! And I may be late in saying so, but your new springtime look is so pretty! :)
I love silver jewelry! Please enter me in the giveaway. I'm always checking out your jewelry in your photos. I really enjoy reading your blog.
I have never seen this line before BUT very LOVELY...I would love to enter...and Happy Blogiversary!!!
Beautiful! What a wonderful giveaway. I just found your blog and fell in love so I have PERFECT timing!
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